Turner & Summersbee website has been designed to be accessible to everybody.
The website is structured with 6 main pages that are all navigable by the primary navigation on the top right and 4 secondary pages that are accessible by using the bottom left navigation.
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All content images used in this site include alt text and image title attributes.
Standards compliance
We strive to comply with the W3C WAI's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and aim for our pages to conform to W3C Level AA compliance.
All pages use well-structured semantic markup compliant with XHTML 1.0 Transitional. For example, h1 tags are used for main titles and then h2, h3 used for subtitles.
Our Capabilities
Construction | read more
Final Finishes | read more
Green Oak Work | read more
Fire Doors | read more
Schemes & Certificates
Trada Certified
Get In Touch
Turner & Summersbee Ltd
The Old Bakehouse
High Street
t: 07811 347966